Improving pets’ vision and ocular comfort with specialized ophthalmic services.

Based out of Upstate South Carolina, Carolina Animal Eye provides veterinary ophthalmology services for pets of all types.

Dr. Diana Pate has been practicing veterinary ophthalmology exclusively for 15 years, 11 of which have been in the Upstate. Our mission here at Carolina Animal Eye is to provide compassionate high quality veterinary ophthalmic care and to advocate for animal eye health while educating pet owners to assist them in making the best medical decisions for their pet. 

We are currently seeing patients in the Seneca, Anderson, and Spartanburg areas.

Diana Pate, DVM, DACVO

I get asked all the time why I went into the specialty of veterinary ophthalmology.  I have to credit the start of my veterinary ophthalmology career to my first mentor, Dr. Dan Ward, Professor of Ophthalmology at University of Tennessee during veterinary school. He showed me how ophthalmology was a true art, requiring both precision and patience. I then went on to learn under so many more great practitioners during my internship at University of Georgia and residency at North Carolina State University, as well as many colleagues in private practice.  It gives me joy not only improving patients’ comfort and vision, but overall quality of life.  I also  appreciate the combination of medical and surgical cases that ophthalmology provides. I look forward to continuing to develop my practice with time as I believe we never stop learning, no matter how much experience we have.

In my free time I enjoy watching my two boys grow with my incredibly supportive and patient husband, staying active, and traveling.  We have one dog, Ethel Beatrice, who keeps us laughing every day.